Do not die in the wilderness
You have to evolve. It is time to spread your wings and fly. If you are alive, you have a purpose to fulfill. If you have been saved like the Israelites and physically moved from Egypt and you still remain there mentally, which implies that you are still emotionally unstable and still find yourself being attached to Egypt, then your redemption is limited. You need to have it in full as God has promised us.
Egypt here represents any unpleasant situations that God has saved you from, it could be an abuse, a health issue, family and financial problems, oppression and depression to name a few. When God saves you, you are free and there should be no looking back. He whom the Lord God has set free is free indeed. The question is, do you believe that you are permanently free? John 8:36
Remaining in Egypt is like choosing to die in your own nest. When God saves anyone, He saves the person’s spirit but the renewal of the mind takes time and a process. Not everyone or let us say not every believer’s mind is totally renewed, that is the reason why they may be good but act below expectation sometimes, that does not mean that they have not been saved, it only means that their mind needs to be continually renewed.
Take a look at doctors for instance, not every doctor with the title can perform an operation, they would have to be trained in a specialty to perform a special kind of operation, and just because they have successfully completed their training does not make them competent, they may be academically competent but the truth is that only experience over time will make them truly competent.
Surgeons may have a step by step guide to performing an operation, but they are often challenged due to the anatomy and physiology of an individual. And the more they are privileged to do more of the operations, the better they become. And over time, they become experts in their fields. In the same ideology, not everybody that goes to school is successful. The successful people have to redefine themselves through how they think and do things.
To be successful in life, you have to fly high just like an eagle. Eagles face their challenges and rise above the uncomfortable weather. The vision of an eagle is so clear, Eagles are the kings of the animal kingdom when it comes to visual acuity, the eagle is a mighty bird with a wingspan over eight feet in each direction, tip to tip. What are your challenges? How difficult are they? Are you ready to spread your wings and fly out of your comfortable zone?. If you are, be ready because you comfortable nest wil be stirred.
In a desert land he found him, in a barren and howling waste. He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye, like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them aloft.
And just as the eagle stirs the nest of her eaglet from her comfortable zone to reach for the sky, so will God stir your situation. When it all begings to look bad like a stired nest of an eagle, do not worry and do not fear, just beleive that God who began to stir things up is about to do something great in your life.
Staying in your nest or in your comfortable zone means that you think life cannot be better and you really could not be bothered doing something new or challenging yourself, people who think that way wait for food, wait for money and wait for almost everything to happen.
The stir of your nest means moving from anything less to something more, it is the move to increase. Mind you there will be some eaglets who will refuse to move even when the nest is stirred, they will not try to change and if they do not move or change, they will not grow, they will not explore, they will not think and they will not become who God wants them to be.They have formed a system of survival in their comfortable zone and for those kind of eaglets, I say to you today with the power and authority of God that it is time to move and it is time to increase.
This is the time to believe that there is more to you, this is time to believe that you were born to be great, this is the time to align your thoughts with the thoughts of God, this will be the time to activate the good in you, use your creative ideas because you were destined to increase. Time waits for no one, if you do not make a decision to change, increase and live with a purpose, it might be too late, only God know the season and controls time, what you do today will affect tomorrow. Let us all become Victors that collect trophies for God.
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