My Month of Joy and Jubilation
June isn't just a new season. It is the month to celebrate. It is my month of Joy and jubilation. We are by God’s grace moving into our promised land of blessing, increase, abundance, opportunities, and destiny. Yes, believe God for a "new season" in your life...and believe that this is just the beginning of great things!
June, the month of divine bloom, when the roses will begin to open up. And by God’s grace so much is going to bloom in your life, through you and for you, yes all in June. In June there will be God’s release of surprising breakthrough, healing, joy, increase, and abundance.
"It's not's supernaturally real!"
Recover All
If you feel like something you have been promised has been damaged destroyed or stolen by the deceitful plans of the enemy, don’t relax, recover all. Trust God to help you recover it all. It belongs to you and no one can take what God has ordained for you to have.
God is a God of restoration, and he wants us to have all (not some) that he has pre-planned for us to have. He wants to restore all the years and the days that the enemy has stolen from us.
The enemy only comes to steal, to kill and to destroy but Jesus came so that you may have life and restoration. Well, let me remind you again that God is a God of restoration and He will give back to you your life, the years and the days that the locusts stole from you.
Expect a miracle and restoration in your life. When your life is restored you will live a life that is focused and with a clear eternal vision, not a temporary goal or vision to travel, get educated or get a new job, but an eternal vision that focuses on doing the work of God.
Working for and with God simply means loving others and taking care of God’s creation, like your family, friends, neighbours, and community, doing something that will draw those that need help to God in order for their needs to be met. How can you do this when “ I don’t have money”, “ I don’t have a job”, “ I don’t have a home” or “ I don’t have a car”
There must be something that you have that you have not identified with yet because you are focused on what you do not have. Take a minute to thank God and ask God for those things that you have failed to identify because of your lack of gratitude to God. Show more love and gratitude to God and ignore the things that are not working for you right now. Let us all appreciate what is working in our life. Some people do not have anything working for them, yet they show more gratitude.
Serving God is serving people and each person who works for God and serves others will have a unique way of doing that, some may be there just to inspire you through biblical teachings, some may be there to show you how to have good success, or some may show you how to manage your family, marriage or finance.
The whole wonderful idea of God is for everybody to have a focus and a purpose that will complement each other, some will serve as teachers, while some will serve as doctors, some will serve as mentors while some will serve as intercessors but how will the drug addicts, the pregnant teenage girls, the prisoners, the hungry, the vulnerable serve God?
God’s idea is for us to understand that some people are highly favoured for a reason, your own restoration is not for you to look at the less privileged and say “ Oh what a shame”, it is for you to develop strategies to deal with the arising issues in a dark world, issues like domestic violence or poverty as examples.
We live in a world where much is required from those that have been entrusted with less.
What is the use (profit), my brethren, for anyone to profess to have faith if he has no [good] works [to show for it]? Can [such] faith save [his soul]? If a brother or sister is poorly clad and lacks food for each day, And one of you says to him, Good-bye! Keep [yourself] warm and well fed, without giving him the necessities for the body, what good does that do? James 2:14-16