Coming out of the cocoon
And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.
You are a child of God and you were created to flourish and to glorify God. Are you in a situation that feels like a cocoon almost opposite the meaning of flourish. Can I say that the cocoon state is just the beginning.
Your journey may have been bumpy, the process may have been painful, and the process may have been stretched. May I remind you again that the COCOON is not the END, it's JUST the BEGINNING and it is about time to fly high just like an eagle.
Your "struggling process" or "waiting process" or "cocoon process" is not an indicator that you are not going to flourish, the waiting or struggling phase is actually the PATHWAY and DOORWAY to life and an indicator that you are about to FLY.
Have you thought that just when you are about to fly into a new level, you are faced with another level of the COCOON process? Do not worry, it is all for good, it is because...YOU ARE ABOUT TO FLY. This is not the time to give up or get intimidated by the tactics of the enemy. This is the time to put on the full amour of God.
Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah+43. 19
This new pathway is a doorway to increase, to fly high, to freedom, to acceleration, and to promotion. The COCOON PROCESS wasn't the end, if you see through the lens of GOD’s eyes, you will come to realise that it's just the BEGINNING of what God is about to do in your life and in the lives of the people attached to you.
Your COCOON PROCESS is almost over as you are now BREAKING OUT, BREAKING THROUGH and BREAKING FORTH, free of limitation, free of fear, free of doubt and free of the lies against you and that have held you back, free of insecurities, free of strongholds, free of the torments and the deceitful plans from the enemy. If you SURRENDER and YIELD to Jesus in this cocoon process, a state of "GOD’s WILL BE DONE” You will come to a point of taking off, ready to fly and eventually fly. The sky is so wide, no one will hinder you anymore from flying and you also will not hinder anyone from flying in Jesus name. Amen.
When butterflies break out of the cocoon, it is an uncomfortable transition. Your transition to greatness may feel scary but do not fear the opposition or the wrestle that's taking place, do not fear but embrace the feeling of transition. Uncomfortable is a sign of comfortable depending on the way you see it and handle it, this is why you have to see through the lens of God. ANNOUNCEMENT! ANNOUNCEMENT! ANNOUNCEMENT! You are BREAKING OUT and you are breaking out into something SO NEW, SO FRESH, SO REFRESHING, you will FLY ON THE WINDS OF JOY in Jesus name. Amen.