You Haven't Seen Anything Yet!
God always saves the best for the last. How many times have you been disappointed or things seems to be falling apart or you are just struggling with this and that? I can understand, life can truly be frustrating but here is a good news for you. The best is always saved for the very last.
But, as opposed to what you are facing and as the Scripture says, "What eye has not seen and ear has not heard and has not entered into the heart of man, [all that] God has prepared (made and keeps ready) for those who love Him [[a]who hold Him in affectionate reverence, promptly obeying Him and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed]." 1 Corinthians 2: 9
Where are you looking? What are you reading? Who is informing you? Can I tell you that there is so much good news and so many promises from God.
How nice and refreshing is it to be reminded of the promises that God has for you and me? God has so much good stuff in store for us and if God is storing up good things for you, it is already yours. God is saving them for you and you will have them just at the right time. Your job, my dear friend will be to believe in that and trust God to give you at the right time.
What you need to do: When life says NO, even if it doesn’t look like it, remember what God promised you and say YES. Never take NO for an answer for what you believe in. Let me inform you that God intentionally allows the proud ones to say NO to you for a reason, it is because proud people think they own all they have got and even if they offer help, they will want to take the glory and when God wants to do something extraordinary in your life, He will remove the proud through their offer of disappointment and you will be left alone and when you spring up from nowhere only GOD will take the Glory.
GOD humbles the proud. Pride is power with no control and sometimes people often get puffed up till adversities show up. During adversities God is trying to say something to you. In every adversity, there is a boot camp training that you have to go through. You can either go through the training and become wiser or faint in training and remain where you are. if you can just pass your trainng, you will be fit to possess what God has in store for you.
The reason why you are facing that trouble is that you are weak in that area, if you were strong, it wouldn’t have hit you at all, you would have handled it right. In saying that whenever you face an adversity, embrace it, I understand that nobody likes adversities but once you are being faced with them, assess yourself honestly and ask God to reveal to you what you have to learn. If you do not faint in such times you will overcome that which wanted to draw you down and you will rise up instead.
You are valued and the world needs you to survive. The world needs your contribution. Your contribution is your answer to the questions so many people have unanswered. Your answer will prevent the next generation from making the mistakes you made, that is what makes you unquie and that is why we need you. Sharing you answers in anyway is a sign of your love to the world. your LOVE is your resource.
You are a valuable resource, and your love is a resource to the world around you... your life (your story) is to be a distribution channel for God’s love.
It doesn’t matter what you share and how you share it, when you're a giver, you portray your solid identity in the promise and calling of God in your life, and by giving, you're expecting to bear fruit with people who are higher than you and lower than you... you're expecting your life to feed people around you. You are leading right where you are and dispensing love, you are leading up and dispensing love and you are leading down and still dispensing love.