The best life
Everybody wants to live the best life and sometimes we get a revelation and have the vision to confirm it but what we often see is the finished product which is so great. Everybody wants a good life just like a nicely made cupcake with icing on top of it and of course with some sprinkles on it but the truth is that the cupcake had to go through a process to become that beautiful end product that you see and that yummy taste together with the icing that melts heavenly into your taste buds. The end product of the cake that you so enjoy took the effort and some amount of time and we too as humans must understand that a good life requires us to be the best we can but it will requires some time as we often underestimate time and some effort.
When you think of cupcakes all you think of is Hmmm!, sweetness, so good. When you think of a good life all you think of is also Hmmm! what a life, finally I did it, but it all takes time and process. And just as the cake requires a mixture of ingredients so does life require some unplanned incidents all mixed together in the bowl called life. For some, their ingredients will be mixed with anger, some with pride, others with insecurity and some maybe guilt or envy and if you do not deal with each of the ingredients in your bowl of life well enough, you will not get the consistency required for the best life you saw initially, that wonderful life you were meant to have.
One thing I love about God is that He knows that not everything is working so good for you, but if you allow God, He will mix your ingredients whether good or bad together and turn it to good for you in spite of you.
You also have to look into yourself and check to see if you have some hurts, hang-ups or habits and see how you can honestly work on them and turn them around to be good individually and cooperatively. Even if you cannot do it, you have to admit that God can do it, Once you have identified that you are weak, then God will take you through steps to help you overcome your hurts, hang-ups or habits.
Your first step will be, to remove your mask. Be human and be honest with yourself. Please do not put on that fake perfect face mask, take it off and be vulnerable, you can only gain strength in your weakness.
Let me tell you, nobody is perfect so do not be deceived by the Hollywood movies you see on social media. Every single person on earth is striving to be better, even Apostle Paul. We all have different levels of success and failures. You have to admit that you are struggling with something for you to be able to fix that thing.
Not that I have now attained [this ideal], or have already been made perfect, but I press on to lay hold of (grasp) and make my own, that for which Christ Jesus (the Messiah) has laid hold of me and made me His own. Philippians 3:12
What are the blockers to a good life which I call demons? They are hurt, hang-up, and habits. Although we are not of this world we live in this world with people and we have to be accommodating. We deal with people every day and people have hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is quite difficult to get people out of the past into the present where they will become active and sometimes people do not even know that they have any of these blockers. Do you Have any? I certainly do and keep working on myself.
Hurts: hurt is anything that can cause distress or damage to somebody which can be physical, emotional, social or even spiritual. No one is without a hurt, we hurt at some point in our lives either at childhood or even as an adult and sometimes you wonder why you have been perceived in a way or treated in a way.
Be reminded that you are human so do not sugar-coat your hurt. Once you are able to understand that life can be hurtful at times and that you are not alone in the world, you will be hopeful and you will be happy to deal with your hurts and maintain being happy. BE HAPPY!
Hang-ups: Hang-ups are psychological blocks that cause people to remain angry or envious as examples. Some hang-ups may just be due to what people don’t personally like or like, for instance, some people will just not have fast food, while some will and that just shows that we will be different and you will come across people with various hang-ups and you will have to be able to deal with people without changing who you are.
What are your hang-ups? Some of my hang-ups are consuming fast food, procrastination at times until I finally get that thing done. Be honest with yourself, it will help you change you. Change starts with you.
Habits: Habits are persistent behaviours that just seems too hard to overcome. There are good and there are bad habits and your circumstances sometimes can cause you to make unhealthy choices. Identify your bad habits and start working on them. Be a better you every day.You are not alone, everybody has got either a hurt, an hang-up or a habit they are working on. I am working on mine, are you? Be encouraged. Be true to yourself.
Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me. John 14:6
If you take a look at the pictures in this post, they do not fit together but in the end, it makes sense.