God is the King of all Kings, the Lord of all Lords and the Judge of all Judges. When we accept Christ Jesus into our lives, He is enthroned and everything in our lives and about us will be put into kingdom alignment. It is this alignment that will bring forth the glory of God.
Do you need to be filled? If your answer is Yes, then lift up the name of Jesus above all your problems, bills and circumstances including the deceitful plans of the enemy and allow God to have His way. To be fulfilled, the King has to be enthroned.
As Joseph, the dreamer helped both the prisoners and the king to interpret their dreams, we also need people who will prophesy over us and discern what is to happen and to especially interpret and understand what God is trying to do.
God's glory is about to rain over the earth with true signs and wonders that people have never seen nor experienced before in their lives. There will be a great revival and God is about to release masses of conversions as well as a great harvest of souls. Who are those ready for this and where are the storehouses of God's glory? Where are the places that people can go and belong to? Where also are these places that God has prepared for His glory?
It is not a dream, it is real. Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream, he told him that there was going to be a seven years period of famine after a seven years period of harvest. It was the interpretation of the dream that allowed time for preparation.
The Lord is about to fill your storehouses. it is indeed harvest time and God is looking for His Josephs, the ones who can connect with His heart. Where are God's Josephs?
Lift up your head because Jesus is coming, It's time for every weary minded person and child of God to lift up their head because Jesus is coming. He is the king, mighty in battle and he is coming. Jesus is the glory and the lifter of your head. Remember to Keep your head up.
God is for you and never against you. God wants the best for you. His plan for you is for you to succeed in the end and to live a life full of God's abundance.
What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?] Romans 8:31
And no one puts a piece of cloth that has not been shrunk on an old garment, for such a patch tears away from the garment and a worse rent (tear) is made. Matthew 9:16
Forget the old, step into the new. Cleanse yourself, begin to live a new life. Is something within you dead and you really need to put it away in order to move on? Let the old pass you by, the old way of thinking and doing things. let the old be done because Jesus said "it is finished", so be complete. God, in the same way, is removing the old systems of religion, government, and structures.
We are now entering and progressing into the new. The Lord Jesus is seating on His throne as the judge, peace maker, and law maker, His government of glory is returning to the educational system, into the courtrooms, and into the White House, and in our homes. Jesus is lifted up forever and ever.
"The Lord is upgrading you and is equipping you with the right gifts, the right tools, the right measures, the right ideas, and the right people to get the job done!"Ben Lim, Senior PastorHis Way Life Church​