In the beginning before all time was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.
He was present originally with God.
All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being. John 1:1-3
The word of God is alive and active, ready to prove itself in our lives but we have to seek it and be hungry for it. The word of God is a manual for how we can live our everyday lives. It is full of wisdom and God's promises for us. Whenever a parcel is delivered to your place and no one meets you at home, a little card or note in which you will use to collect the parcel will be left for you.
God already delivered our parcels in different sizes and with different gifts, all we have to do is to claim it. It is already ours. The way to claim God's promises is to know what it says, you cannot just show up at the post office and ask for a gift, they will ask you which one before you can claim it, also they will ensure that whatever you claim is the same on the card left at your place.
To claim and receive God's promises, you have to know what the promises are and align with the promises, the only way to know what you have got to claim here on earth is to actually read the Bible, do not just read it like an everyday book. Ask for God's guidance so that He can open your eyes to what He s trying to say.
One way to seek for God's wisdom and to ask Him to open your eyes of understanding is to read Ephesians 1. 17-18 before reading verses from the Bible. It actually just points you to places that you would normally read through or pay no attention to. Be humble to the word of God. Treat it with tenderness.
I ask—ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory—to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him—endless energy, boundless strength. Ephesians 1:17-19.MSG
The word of God is our personal assistance and adviser in all areas of our lives, It tells us when to plant when to buy and when to sell. it basically teaches us what to do in our homes, how to deal with ourselves and with people, how to manage our finances and more. Are you surprised? You shouldn't. When you have the word of God stored in your heart, it will remind you when you need it and teach you behaviour wisdom and it will give you clarity in all things.
The word of God is like our compass, it directs us and shows us the direction when we find ourselves lost. it is the most amazing book that you will ever come across, full of life. It is referred to as a living word because it is alive and it gives life, power, and strength to those who seem dead. It is never out of date, always in season and always current and new. you can read the same verse multiple times with a fresh meaning.
Why are you running up and down and chasing the wind, fighting a battle that has already been won or planning for another to fall? It is because you have no knowledge of the word of God. The word of God teaches us not to pay attention to what we consider to be evil, never to give it our time. If you spend more time in the word of God, you will be busy loving and improving your life and encouraging others instead of trying to bring people down.
If you really want to know who people are and how they behave and how to respond to people and to situations that you find weird. Read the word of God and practice it, get to know who you really are, then you will begin to live the new normal life, not the normal life people think is normal.
Are you looking for help or counsel? All you need is your time and dedication to diving into the word of God, understanding the character of God and making your heart pure, leaving it as a meeting point between you and your God. what is stored up in your heart today? Can God live in there peacefully?
The word of God promises to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path but it will be our responsibility to read it and chew on it at all times. When you release the word of God over your life, you release power.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105
The world is changing so is our relationship with people and with God. In the past, people had to study through apprenticeship, and then, you had to go to school face to face and now you have distant and online learning with few face to face work shops, you also have full online courses.
Now you can do the same, you can go to church and meet with the body of Christ, you can also go to church and mix it with church online, your heart is the meeting point with God, your heart and attitude is all God needs, you can connect online these days to have communion with the body of Christ.
It is really good to go to church and please go to church. The physical church is a building where you meet to worship and fellowship with the body of Christ, we are the church, and we are spiritual beings who connect in the spirit and in a place set apart, you can also do this over the phone. prayer is a spiritual connection with God, your heart is most needed. Your heart is the altar where you meet with God. Go to church this Sunday, but remember that God wants us to be in His presence every day not every Sunday. God always works through people in a fresh way and in a unique way. God wants a relationship today not a religion.